Torah Studies with Rabbi Yossi: Fridays at 8:15am

In-Person at the Manhattan Torah Center 1003 N. Sepulveda Blvd (next to the Post Office)

virtually at or by phone, call 669-900-6833 and enter code 439-134-928


Sunday Torah Cafe: Sundays at 9:30am

A weekly class on various Jewish topics with Rabbi Zalman.

In-person at the JCC

Virtual at


Tanach - Biblical Jewish History: Mondays at 9:30am

A weekly class studying the books of Tanach - our holy scriptures with Rabbi Zalman.

In-Person at the JCC


Thursday Senior Meeting: Thursdays at 11am

Join the weekly JCC senior meeting virtually

Virtual Join at Or call 669-900-9128 and enter Meeting ID

932-1291-2957 with code 476769

Weekly Parsha - Torah Reading: Fridays at 12pm

An overview and discussion of the laws and stories of weekly Torah reading with inspiration and life lessons.

Virtual Join at or call 669-900-6833 and enter Meeting ID 881-5793-3578


Daily Talmud Study: Sundays 7:30am, Mon-Fri 6:30am

A daily 25 minute class studying the Talmud. we are currently studying the book of Shabbos.

In-Person at the JCC


Daily Torah Study: Sundays 8:40am, Mon-Fri 7:40am

A daily 30 minute class studying the text of the weekly Torah reading with Rashi commentary

In-Person at the JCC


For more information or to register for the above classes please call 310.214.4999 or email [email protected]